- Learn to use cutting-edge science to shape your destiny
- Understand which thoughts are most powerful and why
- Activate “flow state” in order to live your best life

Get ready to be amazed with these empowering bonuses.
If you missed them scroll down to review what you will receive
Bonus 1:
Manifestation Masters: Audio interviews with masters of manifestation – including Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup series), Joe Dispenza (Becoming Supernatural), Pam Grout (E-squared), and Sandy Forster (Wildly Wealthy Women) – sharing their secrets. ($99 value)
Bonus 2:
Mind to Matter Facebook Get access to the exclusive Mind to Matter Facebook group where you will have the opportunity to discuss concepts in the book and receive guidance from Dawson ($97 value)
Bonus 3:
Special Bonus: Get an audio meditation on visualizing and manifesting your highest potential. It’s called Embodying the Greatest Version of You. ($99 value)
Bonus 4:
Your DNA is Not Your Destiny: In this hourlong video presentation recorded for a group of best-selling authors, Dawson shows how your thoughts, beliefs and experiences produce a direct effect on your genes. ($29 value)
About Dawson Church’s Mind to Matter
The science in the book is illustrated by many authentic case histories of people who harnessed the extraordinary power of the mind to create. They include:
- Adeline, whose Stage 4 cancer disappeared after she imagined “healing stars”
- Raymond Aaron and two of his clients, each of whom manifested $1 million in the same week
- Elon Musk, who bounced back from devastating tragedy to found Tesla and SpaceX
- Graham Phillips, who grew the emotional regulation part of his brain by 22.8% in two months
- Jennifer Graf, whose grandfather’s long-dead radio came to life to play love songs the day of her wedding
- Harold, whose 80% hearing loss reversed in an hour
- Joe Marana, whose deceased sister comforted him from beyond the grave
- Rick Geggie, whose clogged arteries cleared up the night before cardiac surgery
- Matthias Rust, a teen whose “airplane flight for peace” changed the fate of superpowers
- Wanda Burch, whose dream about cancer told the surgeon exactly where to look for it
- An MIT freshman student who can precipitate sodium crystals with his mind
- John, who found himself floating out of his body and returned to find his AIDS healed
- Dean, whose cortisol levels dropped by 48% in a single hour
In Mind to Matter, Dawson Church shows that these outcomes aren’t a lucky accident only a few people experience. Neuroscientists have measured a specific brain wave formula that is linked to manifestation. This “flow state” can be learned and applied by anyone.
New discoveries in epigenetics, neuroscience, electromagnetism, psychology, vibration, and quantum physics connect each step in the process by which mind creates matter. They show that the whole universe is self-organizing, and when our minds are in a state of flow, they coordinate with nature’s emergent intelligence to produce synchronous outcomes.
The book contained over 150 photos and illustrations that explain the process, while an “Extended Play” section at the end of each chapter provides additional resources.
As Mind to Matter drops each piece of the scientific puzzle into place, it leaves us with a profound understanding of the enormous creative potential of our minds. It also gives us a road map to cultivating these remarkable brain states in our daily lives.
About the Author
Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author whose best-selling book, The Genie in Your Genes, has been hailed by reviewers as a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotions and genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. His groundbreaking research has been published in prestigious scientific journals. He is the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, & Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal and a blogger for the Huffington Post. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and athletic performance through EFT Universe, one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web.

Thoughts to Things: How To Create Healing Hormones and Neurotransmitters With Your Mind! A lively and exciting interactive webinar with Dawson. ($59 value)
Special Bonus: Get an audio meditation on visualizing and manifesting your highest potential. It’s called Embodying the Greatest Version of You. ($99 value)
How Our Brains Shape the World – PDF of the Introduction and Chapter 1 of Mind to Matter. Read stories of people who healed miraculously right now, and how you can change your own health with your mind. ($15 value)
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Bonus 1:
Special Bonus: Your LIVE Webinar Training With Dawson! Mark your calendar for Wednesday June 13 at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern. Join Dawson for a lively and provocative training on how to boost your health. The topic is Thoughts to Things: How To Create Healing Hormones and Neurotransmitters With Your Mind!
Bonus 2:
Special Bonus: Pre-order in the next 24 minutes and get a meditation on visualizing and manifesting your highest potential. It’s called Embodying the Greatest Version of You.
Bonus 3:
Now through May 31: Special bonus! Pre-order before May 31 and get an MP3 of Dawson and Malcolm Gladwell (mega-bestselling author of The Tipping Point and Blink) sharing how your biggest life obstacles can be your best opportunities!
Bonus 4:
Manifestation Masters: Jack Canfield, Joe Dispenza, Pam Grout, and Sandy Forster share their secrets. Audio – $99 value.
Bonus 5:
Peak Vitality: Raising the Threshold of Abundance in Our Material, Spiritual and Emotional Lives. With Wayne Dyer, Christiane Northrup, Deepak Chopra, Julia Cameron, Riane Eisler, Dean Ornish and others. PDF anthology – $30 value.
Bonus 6:
Your DNA is Not Your Destiny (video) – $29 value.
Bonus 7:
How Our Brains Shape the World – The Introduction and Chapter 1 of Mind to Matter. Read stories of people who healed miraculously right now, and how you can change your own health with your mind.
Bonus 8:
Mind to Matter Facebook group access – $97 value

Now through May 31: Special bonus! Pre-order before May 31 and get an MP3 of Dawson and Malcolm Gladwell (mega-bestselling author of The Tipping Point and Blink) sharing how your biggest life obstacles can be your best opportunities!
Special Bonus: Pre-order in the next 24 hours and get a meditation on preparing your mind for a major upgrade. It’s called Embodying the Greatest Version of You.
What innovators are saying about Dawson Church’s Mind to Matter